Is the cloud dream already over?

Hypes and trends that are praised to the skies in the short term are nothing new in the IT world. Nevertheless, the cloud stands out so much that it is probably only surpassed by the new saviour, AI. However, while a few years ago a veritable race into the brave new cloud world began, today quite a few companies have already come back down to earth. The huge cost savings promised by cloud computing have mostly not materialised. What has remained is a dependency on providers, mostly hyperscalers, who drive up their prices to dizzying heights as often as they like – always in the knowledge that there is hardly any realistic chance of switching, especially with the advent of cloud-native and platform-dependent programming. And the big picture of the security arguments has also taken more than one knock after numerous serious mishaps and incidents – and often lost the trust of users. Does this mean the hype is already over?
The answer to this question is not entirely clear. Because even if more and more companies are coming to the realisation that their data is often more secure in their own data centre or with smaller on-premises solutions and that control over their own data is not lost, many of the advantages of the cloud do not, of course, disappear with immediate effect. The rapid provision of test environments, comprehensive data analyses or even short-term storage capacities will continue to play an important role for companies of all sizes in the future. However, there will be a change in thinking: the cloud is no longer a highly praised one-fits-all solution, but another technology in the portfolio of the IT world. Going to the cloud is not always the right way to go, and not for every use case – but if it is used sensibly where there is real added value for the business case, the real potential unfolds. In this context, in retrospect, many companies can be accused of a certain naivety that went hand in hand with the trend to move everything to the cloud as quickly as possible. There were certainly plenty of motives: on the one hand, the competition was certainly already one step ahead, at least that’s what they told themselves, and on the other hand, their own company could miss out on the next stage of IT evolution. There was a hectic pace of operations that was not always in line with their own requirements.
The bottom line is that the cloud is no more and no less than a tool in the digital toolbox – but not the one solution for all problems. Many users are realising this, not least due to the increasing complexity of cloud solutions, which, in addition to exploding prices and inflexible provider loyalty, is certainly another reason for an emerging new trend: the partial return of data to their own networks. This does not mean that the cloud is dead or unattractive by any means, but the way it is used will change over the next few years and move back towards a more rational framework. Then the question will no longer be whether, but how companies use the public cloud and co. An approach that can also be applied to other hypes and trends. Even in the case of supposed revolutions such as artificial intelligence, strategic benefits and business considerations should weigh more heavily than a “but everyone’s doing it” attitude. After all, whether cloud, machine learning, microservices, agile software development or other IT concepts: the true added value of these technologies can only be realised when they are tailored to your own requirements and embedded in a holistic strategy.

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