Managers, do your homework!
First modernize the IT landscape, then think about AI Everyone is talking about AI. Suddenly everyone wants ChatGPT to write texts for them. Other AI
First modernize the IT landscape, then think about AI Everyone is talking about AI. Suddenly everyone wants ChatGPT to write texts for them. Other AI
Avision has opened a location in Romania. From the offices in Brasov (Kronstadt), local specialists are now strengthening the software development and testing department and
The home office is here to stay – and that’s a good thing. However, companies don’t have to throw the concept of the office overboard
Is the maintenance of outdated applications costing more time and resources than the IT department can afford? Then it’s time to escalate the accumulated technical
Anyone who works in the IT sector is familiar with this type of application: They are running somewhere in the background, doing their job –
Source code like cabbage and turnips, incomprehensible comments and no overview of the dependencies used: without standards and structure in programming, chaos quickly breaks out.
Awareness of climate protection and sustainability has been a part of the IT world for a long time. One efficient way to save computing power
The market is competitive, time is short and budgets are limited – working in software development is often no walk in the park. Fortunately, there
Communication in the digital age can be a real challenge, as countless channels from phone to WhatsApp to Zoom and the like show. And we’re
How can IT professionals tell that Christmas is just around the corner? Avision knows the answer. The mother-in-law is here, the children are all wound