Avision expands into Romania

Avision has opened a location in Romania. From the offices in Brasov (Kronstadt), local specialists are now strengthening the software development and testing department and supporting the German project teams. By founding the subsidiary, the company is responding to the shortage of skilled workers in Germany, which has recently slowed down growth.

Avision specializes in software revival, but has had increasing difficulties finding IT experts in recent years. Romanian colleagues have therefore been supporting the Munich-based company since June 1, 2023. A total of ten software developers and IT specialists are to be integrated into the German project teams by 2024. For the future, Avision is aiming to employ between 30 and 50 new employees in the new subsidiary in the offices in Brasov and in the home office.

In Romania, the IT service provider finds optimal conditions for its growth plans: an investment-friendly policy and motivated, very well-trained, German-speaking IT specialists – Brasov is located in the Transylvania region. Most of the training for the joint tasks with the German teams takes place virtually. However, face-to-face events are also planned in both countries.
“We are very pleased that we have found a solution to expand our pool of employees so that we can also take on larger projects,” emphasizes Jürgen Bernert, Managing Director at Avision. “As recruiting in Germany is becoming increasingly difficult, we have decided on a location in Romania. We share the German language and very high-quality training with our Romanian colleagues. Active team building is our top priority, so hopefully the new employees will quickly feel at home with us.”

This press release is also available at www.pr-com.de/de/avision.

Press contact

Avision GmbH
Christina Karl
Bajuwarenring 14
D-82041 Oberhaching
Tel. +49-89-623037-967


Melissa Gemmrich
Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 6
D-80336 München
Tel. +49-89-59997-759


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